Thursday, November 13, 2008


I was walking outside dragging my feet through the massive piles of leaves, when I realized Fall has come and passed with out me even noticing. Which left me to think of the other things I've overlooked, and things I would be highly up set had I over looked them. Fourtenately, there was nothing that came to mind in things I might have overlooked.

Photo Will.

Asher Roth.

Janelle Monae.
Check 'em out a.s.a.p. They're all awesome in their own way.

Sincerely, Cyborg.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First time around.

I was told to write an introduction, but I decided against it because if you acctually intend on following this blog, you'd eventually learn alot about me.
So I'm going to do what some of my favortie blogs do post random shit and fashion tips.
Honsetly, two wrongs don't make a right, so can you please explain what Nike was thinking? AF1's can be concidered classics but I think they're outdated, and the Air Jordan 20 has to be one of the most disgusting sneakers ever...So you decide to make a hybrid?
Why spend money on those when you can purchase these babies?
I'd say that wasn't a bad first post but I'd say alot of things most don't agree with so let me know how you feel.

Sincerely, Cyborg.

Pictures courtesy of: Soleredemption